Chick-fil-A Buddy Fruits Apple Sauce Price

This item is a part of the Chick-fil-A Sides Menu in the USA.

Chick-fil-A Buddy Fruits Apple Sauce
Price: $3.09

Chick-fil-A Sides menu offers their customers, especially kids, a Buddy Fruits Apple Sauce. This sauce is a 100% organic combination of apple juice, fresh apples, and cinnamon that is blended smooth and served in a squeezable pouch.

This amazing Chick-fil-A Buddy Fruits Apple Sauce is a great companion for those who prefer fresh fruity and sweet sauces. You can use this sauce with any food items or meals.


  • Fresh Apples
  • Cinnamon 
  • Apple Juice 

Nutrition Report

Calories: 45 Cal (serving size 90g)

NutrientsPer Portion (g)
Protein 0g
Sodium 0mg
Sugar 8g
Total Fat0g
Sat Fat 0g
Total Carb  12g
Trans Fat0g

Buddy Fruits Apple Sauce Review

The wonderful Fruit sauce that has a perfect blend of fresh apples, cinnamon, and apple juice is available on the Chick-fil-A menu. This sauce is a pure delight for people seeking a healthy and fruity option. Its fresh ingredients and squeezable pouch keep it useful and fresh for a long time. Taste-wise, this sauce has a sweet and citrusy flavor. Moreover, it can be savored with any item or meal at any time of the day.

However, this sauce contains some potential allergens that are not suitable for certain types of people, So, sensitive people must check the ingredients and allergens details before eating any food item.

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Q. What are the ingredients in Lunch Buddies applesauce?

  • Fresh Apples
  • Lemon Juice or Vitamin C 
  • Sugar 
  • Water 
  • Cinnamon 

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