Chick-fil-A Frosted Coffee Price & Nutrition

This item is a part of the Chick-fil-A Treats menu in the USA.

Frosted Coffee

Check the Complete Chick-fil-A Menu

Price = $5.65

Refresh your mind with a cup of Chick-fil-A Frosted Coffee which is a perfect blend of Vanilla Iced Coffee and Vanilla Ice Cream. Each sip of this coffee provides a sweet vanilla flavor and an energetic feel.

You can drink it along with any breakfast item from Chick-fil-A Breakfast Menu or alone at any time of the day to refresh your mind and body.


  • Vanilla Iced Coffee
  • Vanilla Ice Cream


  • Milk 
  • Sugar
  • Egg

Nutrition Report

Calories: 230 Cal

NutrientsPer Portion (g)
Fats 6g
Protein 6g
Sat. Fat 3.5g
Trans Fat 0g
Carbs 39g


The size of this coffee was normal. However, its color looked like pink. When I took the first sip of frosted-coffee, I had to say, ‘’Wow’’. The vanilla ice cream involved in it was making my soul comfortable. This Frosted drink contains two ingredients, such as vanilla iced coffee and vanilla ice cream.

I am fond of drinking cold items and the coffee served to me was cold. Most importantly, the coffee had low fat content (6%). Therefore, you can try this coffee from the Chick-fil-A Treats menu.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Main Ingredients of Frosted-Coffee?

The main ingredients in Chick-fil-A frosted-coffee are vanilla iced coffee and vanilla ice cream.

Does this coffee have sugar content?

Frosted coffee contains 39 grams of sugar. Therefore, you must try this coffee with breakfast. 

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